
Send the Docs! is where I experiment with docs-as-code workflows, tooling, and automation to build developer-friendly documentation. Find tools and patterns that you can use to improve your project documentation.

My goals for Send the Docs! are:

  • Practice writing and programming.
  • Experiment with Hugo for generating, managing, and deploying content, automating content pipelines, and SEO.
  • Develop templates that structure and render API endpoint documentation in a user-friendly format.
  • Compare free and open-source tools for generating human-friendly documentation from an API specification.
  • Experiment with improving and enhancing documentation with features like code samples, live requests, and dynamic themes.
  • Provide examples and workflows that you can use for your own documentation.

Reference Examples

Low level reference docs generated from code.

Contribution Guidelines

How to contribute to the docs

Last modified February 28, 2023: feature: revise goals. (6fd96ab)